Patricia López
Patricia Lopez was born in Lima and discovered her passion for the handwoven during her university days. In those times, she combined her studies in Industrial Engineering with the elaboration on woven for her own use and her friends that usually fell in love with the design of the garments.
For many years she developed her Industrial Engineer career in different multinational companies, but her passion for the handwoven was present and became stronger.
The trips with her family across Peru encouraged her to create her own brand "Patrizia Lopez". To visit alpacas and vicunas reserves, while appreciating the wonderful works of artisans who preserve their textile art legacy of thousands of years of history, served as impetus for deciding to work only with natural and fine fibers such as Baby Alpaca and Pima Cotton.
White clouds, deep blue sky, the imposing mountains, green landscapes ... in summary, the beauty of nature and the Peruvian magic mixed with the international fashion trends served as inspiration for the development of her handmade collections, allowing to support the national weavers in their professional and economic growth.